" I miss hugs" is a short stop-motion animated film that tells the story of a young woman, who after migrating to another country is forced into creating a new sense of affection with her single-parent back home.
This stop motion animation film was developed through "Litlle Pictures" and GMAC Film, a micro-budget short film scheme funded by The National Lottery through Screen Scotland.
-Glasgow Short Film Festival (UK)
-Spark Animation (Canada) Academy Award qualifying
-Underwire Festival (UK)
-Aesthetica Short Film Festival (UK)
-Cardiff Mini Film Festival (UK)
-Athens Animfest (Greece)
-Leeds Young Film Festival (UK)
-Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival (UK)
-The HB Film Festival (UK)
-Animaze (Canada)
-World of Film International Festival (UK)
-World of Film International Festival (UK) Best Animation Short
-The HB Film Festival (UK)
Best Scottish Animation